First of all, I'm graduating from BYU THIS WEEK!! Daniel and I are just finishing up finals this week, and then we will be free of school for a whole 4 months...well, I'm going to be free from school FOREVER! But I'll still have to think about school because Daniel will be studying all the time next year.
It is going to be a blast having both of my families in the area, all hanging out together, like we did about this time last year.

After Graduation and packing up our whole house, we're hittin' the road. Our plan is to just drive around the West Coast, hanging out with our families and basically just do things that we haven't been able to do because of school: Sleep in, read good books, play outside together, take bike rides, etc.
Our first stop will most likely be Pleasant Hill, to visit my sister Julie and her family. We haven't seen them since last summer, and I love we are going to see them. Do we need a better excuse than that? I think not.

Next stop: Oregon. To see my family. Personally, I'm really excited to see the chickens. ...And my family too, I suppose.

Somewhere during our visit in Oregon/right when we come back to Utah, Daniel and I will be celebrating our One Year Anniversary! Exciting and crazy to think we've already been married a year. And we are still as much in love as we were a year ago.

After coming back to Utah, to hang out with Daniel's family for a little bit, we'll be heading to Washington, D.C., where we both have internships.

Lots of exciting things are coming up very soon, and we intend to make the most of them!!