Saturday, November 17, 2012

The cutest baby in the whole world part III

 I did 3 posts all at the same time since we hadn't posted in so long so if you want to start at the beginning you will have to go to part I. 
What a face!
 Our problem now is that she is having a hard time sleeping.  After about 2 months she started sleeping 5-8 hours each night which was nice, but it only lasted a couple weeks because when we switched to only breastfeeding she decided that she didn't want to sleep anymore.  So now we battle for her to sleep during the day and night.  I know most parents will say that this is normal, but Brooke won't take naps either.  And we end up with a very tired unhappy baby all the time.  We're really hoping she starts taking longer naps and goes back to sleeping better at night, because our sanity is suffering.

We thought this would be fun, but she hated it.  It's a pumpkin diaper!!
Can't get enough of that face!

Life is hard. But we are surviving, and we know things will get better. Besides, Brooke is just such a cute, special baby. We are excited to have her, despite the hardships, and we look forward to watching her grow up!

The Cutest baby in the whole world part II

I'm adding a few blog posts all at the same time.  So you may want to read the next post as well to get the whole story. 
We wonder if the collar bone has contributed to an extremely difficult time of nursing, since Brooke was in pain at first.  It was extremely important to Leslie that she breastfeed instead of use formula, but Brooke must not have gotten the memo, because right from the beginning Brooke would scream at every attempt to nurse.  
Leslie deserves an award, because when most moms would have said this is really not worth it, she continued to work hard at it.   It wasn't until about 1 week ago that Brooke finally gave in and started nursing.  During the first week Brooke lost much more weight than she should have, but Leslie really didn't want to use a bottle because she feared that Brooke would never go back to nursing. 

The breastfeeding consultants suggested using something called the SNS, which involves a bottle with a very small tube attached that you tape to your finger and then the baby sucks on your finger to get the milk from the tube.  Kind of a weird system, but Brooke was a fan.  So for almost 3 months Leslie would nurse when Brooke was willing, and pump and use the SNS for most of the time.  She never did use formula or switch to a bottle, even though it was extremely hard.

Mom reading monster stories to Brooke for Halloween!  I think Brooke looks scared.

Her super cute Halloween costume.  She wasn't a fan.

The cutest baby in the whole world!

We have seriously neglected our blog since Brooke was born almost 3 months ago.  Then again we weren't avid bloggers before that.  We feel though that at least in the last 3 months we've had a good excuse.  It's been a rewarding, yet difficult 3 months. 
First we need to make it clear that we feel that our baby is the cutest baby in the whole world.  All I have to do is take a look at her and I know it's true.  I'll post a lot of pictures, but they don't do her justice.  In fact, sometimes I don't even take pictures because I know they'll never look as good as real life.  (or maybe we just have a really bad camera)
Her Mom made her this cute onesie for Daddy's birthday.
Most of you probably know that Brooke was born with a broken collar bone.  It healed very quickly, but we could tell she was in a lot of pain at first.  Hence why in some of the earlier pictures she is always wearing a wrap to hold her arm down.  
A happy family!

I totally think that in this picture she looks like her cousin Riley and her uncle Zak when he was a baby.

We were blessed to have both of our moms come visit and help with Brooke.  They were a huge help, especially because I had to work a lot after Brooke was born.