Last week, I got another part-time job as a receptionist at a doctor's office. So, of course, this week I'm training all week. And I'm working full-time just to train. As you can imagine, this week has been very busy and crazy ... which is new and exciting for me!!
As you can also imagine, I'm pretty wound up right now ... and tired. So, last night, when I got home at 8:00 pm after teaching Spanish, this is what I came home to:
Daniel cleaned the bathroom (YEAY! I hate cleaning the bathroom ... it's the only chore I really have to make myself do. Sometimes it just doesn't get cleaned ... ). And, he drew me a hot bubble bath, lighting the bathroom with candles.
I'm pretty sure the last time I took a bath I was 5. I just have never done it. But when I came home, Daniel said that I needed to relax and take a little break. In the bath. Reading my book. I've decided now that it's my favorite thing ever! Any of you sisters out there with me?