The month of December went by way too quickly, as it usually does. I was busy with my two jobs and training for my second job, and Daniel was finishing up a rough semester. I almost feel like we missed some of the season.
We went to Oregon for Christmas and had a very wonderful, relaxing time! We watched movies and ate a lot of good food, sang Christmas songs and enjoyed buying presents for each other. I'm a little sad that it's all over, but fortunately, Christmas comes every year!

This is our little fakey Christmas tree. We got it free on KSL and then spent a little money to decorate it thus.
In the spirit of the past season, we want all of our friends and family to know how happy we are that Jesus came to this earth! What a marvelous gift God has given us for Christmas, a gift in the form of His Only Begotten Son! We know that He lived and died for us all. Daniel and I would also like to tell you that we love you. Our lives are greatly enriched by having YOU in them!