Grandpa was so funny! He has a great sense of humor; he made such funny comments. He would always stick his finger in everyone's ear and call it a finger holder. He loved playing games with us and taking his family out for dinners. The last time Daniel and I visited Grandpa, we spent all day with him, and he took us out for lunch and dinner, and we played games in the time in between. It was always fun to hang out with him!
He also loved treats. It's been hard on him, these last few years; with his health problems, he hasn't been able to eat the things he loves. Ice Cream. Cookies. Lemony desserts. When my dad and Aunt Lynn went out to his apartment to start sorting through things, they found the freezer full of ice cream and the cupboards and drawers full of all kinds of cookies and sweets! How delightful!
Well, we are going to miss him. But we are all glad that he's in a better place, and I think he's probably happy to have moved on. We'll miss you, Grandpa!!