But sometimes (a lot of times), we just need a break to do something else. We often choose playing a game over anything else (although we got a huge collections of really old cartoons, like Popeye, Superman, Felix the cat, at the dollar store, and they are pretty fun to watch for a quick break). But, as far as games go, we have a bit of a dilemma. We don't have many 2 player games to play, just the two of us. We have Uno, but that isn't much fun with two people. We have Phase 10, but trust me, it gets old after a while. And for Daniel, it's too much of a game of chance, which is not his thing. Then, there's Canasta, which we really like...but when we play together, with only us and no one else, it makes our blood boil. So we decided that we probably shouldn't play that one...if only for the sake of our marriage. And that leaves us with...
So, Daniel and I play A LOT of skip-bo. And we really enjoy it! But the danger with us playing A LOT of skip-bo is that someday, we are going to get really tired of skip-bo...and then where would we be? And so, dear friends, if you have any suggestions of some really great 2 player games...
I can think of one! ha!