I just thought Leslie looked way cute in this picture so that's why I added it. It was taken just before we went on a date to the arcade.
Scott received a really nice new bow for Christmas so we went to a ranch and did some target practice. If you look really close in the picture above I think you can see the arrow flying through the air!
We went a different day with Leslie and Dad, but unfortunately they didn't make it this time. Leslie almost got a bulls-eye. We all did awesome and had fun. Oh and Tiki (the dog) loved the ranch, he went cow and horse chasing and just about got trampled by the horse. Some are sad he didn't.
Look at Scott's sweet shot group!
So we decided to do ginger bread houses, luckily we planned to do two because I left one in the oven too long and we ended up with a black house. And a black house doesn't look very Christmasy. They must not have had fire insurance.
It was like a mansion for the gummy bears!
Didn't we do awesome!! Our first ginger bread house from scratch.
that first picture of Leslie is very very cute. love you guys