We have seriously neglected our blog since Brooke was born almost 3 months ago. Then again we weren't avid bloggers before that. We feel though that at least in the last 3 months we've had a good excuse. It's been a rewarding, yet difficult 3 months.
First we need to make it clear that we feel that our baby is the cutest
baby in the whole world. All I have to do is take a look at her and I
know it's true. I'll post a lot of pictures, but they don't do her
justice. In fact, sometimes I don't even take pictures because I know
they'll never look as good as real life. (or maybe we just have a
really bad camera)
Her Mom made her this cute onesie for Daddy's birthday. |
Most of you probably know that Brooke was born with a broken collar
bone. It healed very quickly, but we could tell she was in a lot of
pain at first. Hence why in some of the earlier pictures she is always
wearing a wrap to hold her arm down.
A happy family! |
I totally think that in this picture she looks like her cousin Riley and her uncle Zak when he was a baby. |
We were blessed to have both of our moms come visit and
help with Brooke. They were a huge help, especially because I had to
work a lot after Brooke was born.
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