We've been having a pretty fun summer! We'll have to do a few more posts this week about some of our adventures!
Brooke and I have fun playing together everyday. She does some pretty funny things sometimes. The other day, she was putting all
of her animals (and Dolly, of course) down for naps in her crib. She
took them one by one and shoved them through the slats in her crib. When
I took her to bed that night, I had to pull half a dozen animals (and
Dolly, of course) out of her crib. It was so funny!
The other night, an older couple in our ward had us over for dinner. They had a bunch of
toys that Brooke found thrilling. She pulled out a broom and started
"sweeping" their kitchen floor. I found it adorable.
Brooke has a little friend, Lucy, that we have come play with us sometimes. The little girls
love to play with each other. They were being so cute and funny the other day,
chasing each other around the house and screaming. During lunch, they
had a fit of giggles for, like, 5 minutes, just looking at each other
and laughing. I think they were making silly noises with their lips. I was cracking up!
Brooke has been eating more veggies lately,
of her own free will and volition! I've been trying to have a wider
variety of things for her to eat for each meal, and I think that helps
for some reason. So, for her lunch, I could do some tofu, green beans,
rice, soy yogurt, and tomatoes, and she'll clean her plate up pretty
well, without too much prompting from me. Even the veggies! I'm sure not
everyday will be like that, but this week, at least the last part of
this week, has been pretty good!
also been really into her blocks the past few days. When we play
upstairs, she likes to use the old linking blocks that Mom gave her and
build things. She did an airplane, a train and a crane. None of them
really looked like what she was building, of course. But I'm glad she's
being creative and using her imagination. And she's getting pretty good
at putting those blocks together.
I am 33 weeks along
now, and feeling quite big. I'm not swollen yet, though, which is a good
thing. I'm getting more
excited and more anxious, the further along I get. I'm getting really excited
to meet our new little girl!
Having fun with Lucy |
She loves wearing Mamma's shoes |
Brooke found Dadda's goggles yesterday :) |
Looking so pretty in her Sunday dress |
The other day, Brooke was having grapes with her lunch. She gobbled
up the grapes before anything else on her plate, and was just left with
the vine, which she just put on the table while she kept eating her
lunch. After a little while, she looked at that grapevine, said,
"Airplane!", and proceeded to pick it up and zoom it on the table and
through the air making airplane noises. It was so funny and cute!
A couple weeks ago, I made a little purse for
Brooke out of scrap material I had.
Brooke had one of my purses and she was loving putting toys and books in
it and carrying it around. But it was kind of big for her to carry
around, and with all that stuff in it, it was pretty heavy. So I decided
to make her her own, a smaller one that she could carry around. I think
she really likes it. :)
Brooke with her new little purse. She loves it! |
Brooke's new stroller, her favorite new toy |
Brooke loves to help mamma make dinner. I wonder why ... |
I think Brooke is quickly
moving into toddlerhood. She's been screaming for attention more and
throwing a few more tantrums than is usual. Plus, she has started
throwing little tantrums at church in Sacrament meeting. People have
begun to notice. :)
I got
fresh blueberries at Sprouts when we went out shopping. They
are FINALLY cheap! Last summer, Brooke couldn't get enough blueberries
(and neither could I) when the price on them dropped and I could
actually buy some. We bought box after box. And I've been waiting all
summer for prices to drop so we could go Blueberry crazy, and they
finally have! Hooray! But this summer, Brooke is talking a WHOLE lot
more, and she says the word "blueberry" "blucies". It's so cute! I can't
get over it.
Daniel and I went to the temple to do a session. I was getting ready,
putting on my boots (so Brooke put on her boots) and putting on my belt
(so Brooke put on her belt). Cute girl! |
Picture of the day for Daniel: she found his fig newton stash. |
Watching Brooke play is sometimes very entertaining. |
Brooke, in her cute little swimsuit. |
Little buddies: Brooke and Lucy. |