Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Grampa's Fixes

On a Sunday about a week ago, Daniel and I decided to take Grampa for a drive. He needed to get out after a weekend of being cooped up inside. We drove through some scenic canyons to the ocean, and on the way back, Grampa got onto a fix ... a counting fix. (He often becomes fixated on something, and then he repeats over and over whatever it is that he's fixated on. One time, he was fixated on us all being friends. He even toasted us being friends over some cranberry juice. This one was really funny!)

He started counting, starting at 1 and going to 100. Then he would start over at 1. At times, he would get distracted by something, and I thought for sure he would lose track. "34, 35, 36 ... Boy, look at those mountains! They're beeeeaaaautiful!" Then, "...37, 38, 39..." It was incredible! He rarely skipped a beat!

This video is pretty funny. It kind of shows what he was up to. You really should watch it to the end, he says some funny things!


  1. oh my gosh, he is so cute. Damon just said "he's a pretty good counter!"

  2. Oh, Michelle! I love that Damon said that!
