Friday, January 31, 2014

Our Current Project

This is what we've been working on this month (and when I say "we", I mostly mean "Daniel". He's felt really motivated to get our backyard done, now that all the big projects in the house are done):

Before this month, our backyard was pretty much completely dead. The tree was there and the few bushes in the opposite corner of the yard were already there. But there was no grass, no flowers, and there were a number of ugly and overgrown bushes.

So, Daniel heard of a guy who does landscaping for a living. We hired him to take out the ugly bushes, to put the grass in, and to make sure the sprinkler system was doing okay.

My personal favorite: a dwarf peach tree! It's coming to life! Maybe this summer we'll have fresh peaches!
Then, we went shopping. And bought a whole bunch of bushes, flowers and tree.

Oh, and some vegetable plants. A few weeks ago, Daniel made this box for our little vegetable garden. How exciting is that???

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