Thursday, May 17, 2012

Pregnancy: the Good, the Bad and the Downright Ugly

Some family members and friends keep asking for a pregnancy update. Apparently I have been woefully neglectful in this respect. Here's an update, and some things that I'm learning about pregnancy:
  1. We are having a girl!
  2. First trimester means getting nauseous a lot of the time, but never badly enough for me to barf. And it means being unusually tired, all of the time. I could still carry on with my normal activities, though. And most people couldn't even tell I was pregnant.
  3.  Second trimester means a rapidly-growing belly, and varying changes in my body. Sore ribs. Sciatic pain. Changes in breathing patterns and comfort. A smaller bladder.
  4. The biggest surprise: breasts have this incredible ability to grow ... really big.
  5. The best part: feeling her move. It was amazing the first few weeks. I would just lay down and be astounded in how much she was moving. It feels so cool! Sometimes it even tickles. She moves a ton. That came as a bit of a surprise, too.
  6. The hardest part: being hungry ALL the time. I don't really want to spend a lot of time making food and eating, but I have to. Or I feel sick. I often wake up in the middle of the night feeling sick to my stomach, and the only thing that helps is a midnight snack.
  7. Beware of stretch marks. Though I don't have any on my belly.
  8. I shed a tear or two when I saw her on an ultrasound. It's awesome that I can grow a human being inside of me. And I feel so special and excited to become a mom.
  9. It's amazing how much you can worry about a little being that isn't even born yet. It comes much easier than I would wish.
  10. I haven't been keeping very good track, but I believe I am nearly 26 weeks, and I'm feeling pretty good.
  11. I don't feel like I'm cute pregnant. I just feel big.
  12. Your body temperature really does rise when you're pregnant. Poor Daniel is cold all the time. And it's going to be a hot summer for me!
  13. I feel very blessed and fortunate to be able to get pregnant and carry a baby.
  14. Having an excuse to do certain things and not to do other certain things is really a good deal.
  15. As much as I enjoy being pregnant, I do miss my body sometimes. And being able to do everything I could do before.
  16. Learning tips from friends and family is helpful. But, in the end, Daniel and I have to figure out our own way.
  17. I'm already getting impatient to have this baby. Not because I'm uncomfortable and hate being pregnant, but because I want to meet her and hold her.
  18. Drinking enough water is hard to do. I never feel like I drink enough.
  19. Picking a name is also hard to do. She is as yet nameless ... although Gramma Fernandez likes to call her Rosie and I just like to call her Sprout.
So, there you have it. Straight from the pregnant lady's mouth. Daniel and I are so excited to have this baby! And despite all the surprises and changes, being pregnant really is great.


  1. I love your blog updates. And so many things on this list made me think..."I felt the same way!" Also I hope your third trimester seems super speedy and not forever long. Excited for you guys!!

  2. So excited for you guys! I totally agree with a lot of the things on your pregnancy list! Being pregnant is fun because it's all just so new and different and an exciting feeling!
